Writing Workshops:

Ateliers for All

Are you a writer? You might be if you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard. But you also may be a writer if you dictate your words out loud to a device or another person who records them.

You might get up on your feet and move around in order for the thoughts to tumble out. And once the words are out in the world, maybe you send them further afield, to lit mags or agents or publishers. Or you might keep them in your notebook and revisit them when the desire strikes.

There are no rules deciding that, by the power vested in some random person, you may now call yourself a “writer”. Acting on the urge for expression is creative in itself. You become the thing once you do the thing. And the more you do the thing, the better you get at it.

I offer workshops to light the creative spark, to prompt new ideas, and to help develop projects that may have been kicking around for a while. I have written one-woman shows, monologues, flash fiction, songs, and essays, all of which have either been published or performed in front of audiences. Whether working in small groups or one-to-one, I can offer guidance on how to get to the heart of an idea and make your writing stronger.

Have a look through my other pages to learn what I’ve done, and get in touch through the contact page to explore what we can do together.

“Art takes courage. Talent is there, of course, but it’s courage that plucks it up and allows it to walk—through fires and meadows and right into someone’s heart.”

~ Tennessee Williams, interview with James Grissom, 1982

The Fear and How to Swing It

Do you have a story to tell? Of course you do, everyone does. But do you have a story you really WANT to tell, and fear is holding you back? In this workshop, participants who have a specific project—or story—they would like to work on are invited to take the first steps in a supportive, inspiring environment.

We will come together as a group to share ideas on how to combat the fear of telling your truth, and work with different prompts and writing styles to take the worry out of the storytelling. Looking at your project from different perspectives can strengthen not only your confidence, but your ability as a writer.

This workshop can be a stand-alone event, and is also ideal for festivals as a one-time class presented in conjunction with a performance.

Anxiety is the New 40 is the New Black

FINALLY! A writing workshop series for writers 40+. Behind-the-scenes note: Having personally benefitted from workshops with a variety of ages involved, I wasn’t sure if an age distinction was necessary. I quietly put the word out to different groups, and the response was a resounding YES!

While our paths aren’t identical, there’s something special about being in a room with people who have had similar experiences. You don’t have to explain what it’s like to go through certain life events; chances are that those in the room will be nodding in recognition before you even finish your sentence.

If you’re interested in being a part of this adventure, please let me know through the contact page (feel free to mention your availability) and once we have a venue in place you’ll be the first to know.